
For the perfect, stylish shave, we have the best razors for you. We have a wide but selected range for different requirements and with various designs. These include different materials such as stainless steel or wood, razors for the finest shaving work, razors for shaving or even in rose gold.
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Tondeo Razor Kingsguard inkl. 10 TCR Klingen
49,90 €*
Feather Razor silver
Razor with blade protection
37,90 €*
Tondeo Sifter Stainless Set
incl. 10 blades TSS3
32,90 €*
Tondeo Messer TM Set
incl. 10 TCR blades
36,90 €*
Feather Razor black
Razor with blade protection
37,90 €*
Feather Artist Club SS Razor ACS-RB
foldable shaving razor with replaceable blades
234,90 €*
Jaguar Thin Pro
Thinning tool
18,19 €*
Jaguar R1 M
14,19 €*
Weltmeister Razor WM-865-4/8
stainless, 4/8‘‘ (10,1/20,3 cm)
72,90 €*
Feather Razor pink
Razor with blade protection
37,90 €*
XanitaliaPro Disposable Razor
50 Pieces
12,29 €*
Jaguar R1
11,59 €*
Jaguar JT2 M Black
32,90 €*
Efalock Isaaki Exclusive Razor chromed
Razor for professional use
45,90 €*
Efalock Stickrazor Kit
Razor for the finest shavings
39,90 €*
Barburys Bonus Shaving Knive Black 5/8
Carbon steel
28,09 €*
Termix Styling Razor
black, incl. 5 blades
19,49 €*
Hercules Sägemann Straight Razor Sifter No. 6192
fpr precise working
now only 35,90 €*
Feather 4you Styling Razor Set Black
for hairdressers techniques, thinning and shaving
66,90 €*
Olivia Garden The Edge Soft Touch
Texture Cut Razor
11,69 €*
XanitaliaPro The Barber Professional Classic Inox Edge
Classic razor
now only 12,89 €*
Jaguar JT2 Black
29,59 €*
XanitaliaPro Razor Emperor Gold
Traditional razor - interchangeable blade
22,79 €*
Jaguar JT1 Black
29,90 €*
Jaguar R1 M Pink
14,19 €*

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  • PayPal (more informations here)
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  • the shipping costs and modes of payment for international consignments are available here
  • within the EU, commercial deliveries are effected VAT-free, if a VAT-ID-No. is quoted
  • outside of the EU, delivery is effected VAT-free plus any applicable customs duties
Popularity Newest Name Price
BarburysEfalockFeatherHairwayHercules SägemannJaguarOlivia GardenSibelTermixTondeoWeltmeisterXanitaliaPro